Sea anemones and clownfish are two common species in seawater. Do you know what is the relationship between a clownfish and sea anemones?
Clownfish and Sea Anemone both have a symbiotic relationship. They help each other in the water. Anemone protects the clownfish with shelter while the clownfish provides food to the anemones.
Clownfish and anemones, both need each other in the seawater. The anemones always grow in large numbers and make a suitable spot to hide for any fish. Clownfish uses this spot to hide from predators. On the other hand, clownfish provides food for the anemones by attracting small fishes with their color.
Read out the article to know more about their relationship.
Is Sea Anemone And Clownfish Commensalism?
Commensalism means two organisms getting benefits from each other. In this case, sea anemones and clownfish are great examples of commensalism. They both get benefitted from each other in the wild. There is a mutual connection between these two species.
Can A Clownfish Live Without An Anemone?
Clownfish can live without anemones in aquariums. There are no predators or threats in the aquarium thus no risk of their lives. They do not need to hide from any predators in the tank.
It will be tough for a clownfish to live in the wild without the shade of an anemone. There are so many predators and giant fish in the wild that may eat the clownfish. Anemones help the clownfish to find shelter from these attacks. Clownfish use the anemones to hide from these kinds of dangers.
However, Clownfish can live without an anemone in both situations. If it’s in the wild they will face a bit of trouble, but they will survive. Anemone is a part of their lifecycle. Clownfish get advantages from the Anemone, but, but they are not totally dependent on them.

Read more about clownfish tank mates in a saltwater aquarium.
Can Anemones Live Without Clownfish?
Anemone may not survive without clownfish. The main reason would be not getting the food. Anemone most of the time depends on the leftover or the waste of clownfish. Clownfish make the oxygen flow smooth for the anemones as well.
Sometimes, clownfish manage the food for the anemones by attracting small fishes with their bright color.
If there is no clownfish for anemones it would be impossible for them to survive. Their two of the major ingredients to live is managed by the clownfish.
Additional Read: How Do Clownfish Sleep
How Do Clownfish And Sea Anemone Benefit From Each Other?
There is a symbiotic relationship between sea anemones and clownfish. These two’s connection is an illustration of two creatures benefiting from each other. The clownfish use the anemones as a shelter. On the other hand, anemones get their nutrients from the waste or the leftover of the clownfish.
Clownfish plays another crucial role in the anemone’s life. They increase the oxygen flow in the anemone’s tentacles. Anemones get proper oxygen and nutrients because of the clownfish. Clownfish have a bright body that they use to lure fish into the anemone. The anemones kill these fish with their poison and eat them.

Do Anemone Kill Clownfish?
Anemone does not kill clownfish. They may try to eat the clownfish or any other fish if they are extremely sick or nearly dead. The tentacles of anemone sting and kill other species of fish. If the clownfish get stung from the anemone they appear to be unharmed.
Why Do Clownfish Not Get Stung By Sea Anemone?
Anemones use their tentacles to sting and kill other species of fish. Clownfish are safe from the sting of the anemone because of their special coating in the body. The clownfish has a mucus coat outside of its body. This coat protects them from the anemone’s sting.
Will Long Tentacle Anemone Eat Clownfish?
The aggressive clownfish like Maroon, Clarkii, Ocellaris, and others are frequently found in the long tentacle anemone. Long tentacle anemones don’t consume clownfish, but they do construct traps for tiny fish to eat. Clownfish are always safe from the anemones whether they are a long tentacle anemone or a regular anemone.
Final Words
This relationship between clownfish and anemones is one of the most interesting mutual relationships in seawater. They both are essential for each other. The clownfish is safe without anemones only in the aquarium. Otherwise, they must have the anemones to maintain the symbiotic relationship and a better shelter.